freight and logistics courses

freight and logistics courses- It has now been established without any doubt whatsoever that lean supply chains and efficient logistics systems lead directly to increased bottom line profits. Leading edge companies which successfully gain competitive advantage and which are able to implement immediate cost savings, are those which possess knowledgeable and skillful logistics professionals

This course will provide the capacity and knowledge required to successfully ensure members of staff are more efficient in receiving clients’ inbound materials and deliver clients’ outbound products in a timely and cost effective manner. Thus, leading to efficient partnership with customers to provide customized services that will allow an increased efficiency in their deployment of resources, lower their cost of production and allow customers to focus on their core business and supply chains.

Course Objective

This course will explore the key managerial tasks that should be coordinated and controlled to achieve an efficient and effective logistics and supply chain programme for the organization. It focuses on helping participants gain new insights into how the application of the tools can transform their competitive position.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to

  • Explain the causes of non-value-added Logistics activities
  • Understand that supply chains increase net value by increasing value-added activities as well as minimizing non-value-added logistics activities
  • Identify how Logistics Management creates net value according to the three ways of measuring value.
  • Identify the right supply chain for a given business strategy
  • Define the three kinds of Logistics chains found in every business
  • Describe a Logistics and supply chain in terms of the three types of flows
  • Define the four ways customers interact with supply chains
  • Compare alternative supply chain structures
  • Describe how Internet technologies enable supply chains
  • Use a velocity figure of merit to compare Logistics Management alternatives
  • Describe how trust among trading partners maintains supply chain alignment
  • Identify commonly encountered issues that erode trust.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to

  • Define inbound and outbound Logistics
  • Explain the increasing importance of Logistics in today’s business world
  • Describe the major decisions faced in analyzing Logistics and explain how these decisions support the physical and information flows in a supply chain
  • Compare the landed cost of physical goods procured domestically vs. physical goods procured internationally
  • Explain how standardized Logistics can be used to integrate physical goods from different countries of origin into the supply chain
  • Discuss the goals of an effective logistics strategy and explain how the different pieces of a Procurement system work together to support the buying strategy
  • Identify the logistics and distribution Channels risks associated with managing a worldwide supply chain.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Course Content

DAY 1 

  • Supply Chain Management in an import system
  • Actual process of the Supply Chain in sourcing & procurement
  •  Major functions of the Supply Chain in a typical Logistics/Procurement company
  • Global Supply Chain Structure 
  •  Supply Chain and Demand Chain 
  • Supply Chain underlying Principles- the 4Cs 
  • The Bullwhip Phenomenon 
  • Introduction to Logistics 
  •  What Logistics is. 
  •  Logistics structure development 
  • Creating Logistics Advantage for business
  •  The strategic scope of Logistics 
  •  Logistics Management 
  • Logistics Management Integration System (LMIS)

DAY 2 

  • Transportation in Logistics 
  •  Advantages and disadvantages of the major mode of transport
  • Intermodal Transportation 
  •  Effective Haulage operations 
  • Effective Bulk and cargo Handling
  • Intermediate storage and transfer management
  •  Local and International Logistics Management 
  • Storage facility quality amangement
  • Earn Value courier/haulage Systems
  • Strategic Forecasting techniques
  • Tactical/Departmental Forecasting techniques
  • Operations Forecasting techniques
  • Logistics stakeholders Management
  • Logistics Stakeholders planning
  • Logistics Stakeholders Priotization
  • Logistics Stakeholders optimization
  • Power/Interest Grid Matrix as a tool
  • E-Logistics using any kind of ERP(Enterprise Resource Planner)

DAY 3 

Logistics Outsourcing

  • Logistics Risk Management 
  • Logistics Risk Auditing 
  • Logistics Risk Priotization and Categorization 
  • Logistics Performance Management 
  • Inventory Management 
  • International Terms and Condition of Trade 
  • Logistics with Nigerian Customs Service 
  • Wholesale and retail coordination 
  • Designing healthy competitive programs for the wholesalers and retailer 
  • Harmonizing the goals of the different channel members 
  • Types off channel conflict management 
  • Analyzing Channel gaps 
  • Effective tools to address gaps 
  • Third Party Logistics Management
  • Developing a 3PL and 4PL Logistics Performance System
  • Logistics Contracts Management strategies
Lectures Discussions Individual and group exercises Case studies Activities